Monday, December 27, 2010


This Christmas was probably one of the best my family has ever had. Memories were made, great memories that will be remembered for years to come. I would say it was an emotional time for my family. There weren't a whole of tears and sadness, no it was more of joy and laughter, something I love. But there were its moments of tears, but they were good tears, tears that had meaning and tears that showed gratitude and appreciation. You see for me the best gifts aren't the material things I want. I love those presents and to me it shows me that you really take the time to notice the things I love and appreciate. But I will tell you that the best Christmas present I received this year was this:

Now. I understand this isn't the best picture in the world or the most flattering. But, I have never ever not once received a picture of my Grandmother, and better yet, this is one of the few I've ever seen of her smiling in. If you understood the relationship I had with her you would understand the greatness of this gift. My Aunt and cousins were looking through some old pictures and they found this one and framed one for each of my sisters and me. I love this picture. This was an emotional moment for me. I don't quite remember how old I was here but I know for sure that this was within the last year of JuneBugs life. I love June. I love her humor, I love her attitude and I miss her everyday. She is the grandparent that I have the most memories of and there are many. She passed away in April of 1996 due to lung cancer. I was six years old and completely understood the severity of the situation. So this picture will go with me everywhere that I go. Now you can understand why my blog is named what it is. Her name is June, my middle name is June and I am very proud of the fact.